Boardwalk gay bar fort lauderdale

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“If he’s from Brooklyn he’ll know these.”īoxes, bags and bars of candy fill the floor-to-ceiling shelves along one wall and a head-high row across the aisle. “Well, where’s he from?” Dumas quickly asks, and, as soon as she answers, leads her to a section with candies from the Northeast. “I wanted to get him something authentic.” This time the customer is Tara Jackerson, who came in, she says, to buy her dad a gift. The list goes on, delivered by To The Moon’s owner, Antonio “Ralph” Dumas, as he leads customers along the packed shelves of candies. Then 75 types of homemade chocolate covered items, 115 types of black licorice, 100 types of dark chocolate bars …” The first two racks beginning here have mostly the candies that were famous in America from 1806 to the mid-1990s.

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“We have candy from 87 different countries. Wilton Manors gayborhood in Florida has a lot to offer: walkability, waterways, and wildlife – as in the kind that lives in the wild, and the kind that is wild. Wilton Manors, South Florida’s famous gayborhood, combines a small-town atmosphere with all the amenities of urban life.

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